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Personal Loans

Here to Help You Build A Better Future!

Start building something today. A financial future that works for you and not against you. We’re here to help make that possible. Whatever your dreams are, let’s go from here—to there!
Our loan decisions are made locally, which makes them fast, easy and convenient for you! Whether you want to consolidate bills, buy a new car or purchase that dream boat, USB can help you achieve your goal with financing that's right for you. 
  • Consumer Loans
  • Auto Loans
  • Debt Consolidation
  • Personal Loans
  • Motor Homes
  • Boats
  • Motorcycles & ATVs

To apply, visit any of our branches, or

apply online now

Determining which loan provides you with the best value involves more than simply comparing monthly payments. Use our free, online calculator to sort through the monthly payments, fees and other costs associated with getting a new loan. By comparing these important variables side by side, this calculator can help you pick the loan that works best for you. Loan comparison calculator
A car loan can be a great way to finance the purchase of a new or used car, but it's important to do your research and make sure you're getting the best deal possible. Union State Bank offers a variety of free online tools through our website, to assist in your car buying journey. Shelly Sprinkle, a consumer loan servicing officer with Union State Bank, recommends a few tips to keep in mind when considering an auto loan.
Determining which loan provides you with the best value involves more than simply comparing monthly payments. Use our free, online calculator to sort through the monthly payments, fees and other costs associated with getting a new loan. By comparing these important variables side by side, this calculator can help you pick the loan that works best for you. Loan comparison calculator
Use our free, online calculator to help you determine whether you should take advantage of low interest financing or a manufacturer rebate. A rebate will reduce your auto loan balance, while low interest financing lowers your monthly payment. The best option depends on the price of the vehicle, the size of the rebate and the interest rates available for financing. Auto rebate calculator
Should you consolidate your debt? Our free, online calculator is designed to help determine if debt consolidation is right for you. Fill in your loan amounts, credit card balances and other outstanding debt. You can then see what your monthly payment would be with a consolidated loan. Try adjusting your terms, loan types or rate until you find a consolidation plan that fits your needs - and most importantly your budget! Debt Consolidation Calculator
When life happens, you can count on Union State Bank. We provide in-house servicing of the majority of our loans, which means there's a friendly face near by to assist you with the insurance claims process and to answer any questions you may have. Learn more here.

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